New Student Applications
The application window for 2025-2026 is now open!
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Gray Stone is now accepting applications. We are utilizing a third-party system to automate and track the enrollment process. Please read through the directions below before starting an application.

  • Step 1. Create a parent account in Lotterease
  • Step 2. Add your child’s application for the appropriate grade level for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR.
  • Step 3. Confirm if that child has any enrollment priority based on the criteria below:
    • Child of a full-time staff member or board member
    • Sibling of a currently enrolled student
    • Sibling of a student who previously completed four years at Gray Stone including the 12th grade
    • Parent or legal guardian is on active military duty
  • Step 4. Add any additional children

Note: If you select to bundle these applications together, the LAST application entered will be designated the PRIMARY application.

Bundling information

Bundling is a concept that allows a family to group siblings into one application so that if that application is accepted through the lottery, all applicants are accepted. If the bundling option is selected, one of the applications will be labeled as the PRIMARY applicant. All other applicants will be dependent on the outcome of the lottery for that application. If the PRIMARY sibling is selected at any point in the process, all other siblings will either be accepted or moved to a priority position for their respective grade level. This process will occur whether applications were bundled or not.

Please note that the application process will be cut off following the lottery application deadline at the end of February and will reopen following the lottery. We use this time to verify information and prepare for the lottery.

To create a parent account: Create a Parent Account

To login: Lottery Login

To view the current application list: Current Application List

Lotterease Parent Manual: Lotterease Manual


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