New Student Applications
The application window for 2025-2026 is now open!
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Lottery Information

Gray Stone Day School is an open enrollment school allowing any student with established residency in North Carolina to attend provided space is available. In order to be considered for admittance, completed applications must be received by the established deadline.

The Application Period and Maximum Enrollment Numbers

Gray Stone Day School has established mid-November through the end of February as the application period for students interested in enrolling for the following school year. Applications received on or after March 1st will not be considered in the lottery process and placed on the waitlist.

Gray Stone Day School will accept a minimum of 125 students per grade level in grades 6-9. Upper grades will be limited based on space availability. Students in the following situations will receive enrollment priority.

  1. Children of full-time employees and members of the Board of Directors of Gray Stone Day School who have submitted a completed application by the application deadline.
  2. Siblings of currently enrolled students who have submitted a completed application by the application deadline.
  3. Siblings of students who have previously completed four years of education and the 12th grade at Gray Stone Day School who have submitted a completed application by the application deadline.
  4. Parent or legal guardian is on active military duty.

The Lottery Process

If a lottery is required for the coming school year, it will be held at school in a public setting. The lottery will be conducted through a third-party application system called Lotterease. This system offers transparency, immediate notifications, and waitlist management.

During the application process, parents enter phone numbers and email addresses. At the conclusion of the lottery, parents will be notified via email and text message of the application status.

Bundling is a concept that allows a family to group siblings into one application so that if that application is accepted through the lottery, all applicants are accepted. If the bundling option is selected, one of the applications will be labeled as the PRIMARY applicant. All other applicants will be dependent on the outcome of the lottery for that application. If the PRIMARY sibling is selected at any point in the process, all other siblings will either be accepted or moved to a priority position for their respective grade level. This process will occur whether applications were bundled or not.

After the Lottery

A waiting list will be established for each grade level. Students from the waiting list will be extended an Offer of Acceptance as space becomes available. The school may choose to expand or cap the total number per grade level based on class size once registration of courses is completed for current students. 

The waiting list will be utilized until September 1st of the year for which the lottery was drawn at which point no further applicants will be accepted for the school year. When a student from the waiting list is offered acceptance, a confirmation shall be required within a designated amount of time. That time may vary based on the time of the year from 5 days to as little as one day. Failure to confirm attendance within the designated amount of time will result in the automatic removal of the application and an automatic offer to the next person on the waiting list. 

The application process will close temporarily between the lottery deadline of the end of February and the actual lottery. This time is used to clean up data and verify information. After the lottery is run, the applications will reopen. Any student who applies after the lottery will be added to the bottom of the waiting list for the respective grade level. Should you have any questions about the application process, the lottery, or post-lottery procedures, please contact the school.

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