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The application window for 2025-2026 is now open!
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Attendance Information

Gray Stone Day School believes that daily attendance is vital to the learning environment and the growth of a student. Students are expected to be in attendance for the entire day when school is in session except when there is a situation that is considered an excusable absence (see below). Students who are absent for the entire school day are required to have documentation regarding the absence from a parent/guardian in the form of a note turned into the main office or an email sent to for upper grades or for middle grades. Failure to supply the school with a reason for the absence may result in the student facing disciplinary sanctions for skipping school. If a student has more than 8 absences in a semester class or 16 absences in a year-long class prior to the last week of classes, the student may be denied credit due to excessive absences. For more details about the attendance policy, please refer to the Student Handbook

Excused Absences

The North Carolina State Legislature and North Carolina State Board of Education sets the guidelines for what is permitted as an excusable absence. The following is a list of what is considered an excusable absence,

  • Illness or injury prevents the student from being physically able to attend school.
  • The local health officer or the State Board of Health orders the isolation of the student.
  • The student is absent due to the death of a member of the immediate family.
  • The student has a medical or dental appointment.
  • The student is a party to or is under subpoena as a witness in the proceedings of a court or administrative tribunal.
  • The student is absent due to a religious observance in accordance with local school board policy.
  • The student obtains prior approval to take advantage of a valid educational opportunity, such as travel.

College Planning

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