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Testing Advice

SAT/ACT Concordance Table:
 Guide to the 2018 ACT/SAT Concordance


SAT Subject Tests

Is that enough letter soup for you? This document is an attempt to thoroughly explain all of the standardized tests that your student will encounter at Gray Stone Day School in preparation for college entrance.

There are two primary global testing agencies that produce and administer standardized tests that most colleges use in considering an applicant for admission. These agencies are The College Board (PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP) and ACT Inc. College Board and ACT Inc. are basically the Coke and Pepsi of standardized testing. One is not preferred over the other in college admission processes. Though some students will feel more confident with one format over the other. There is a little known and even less utilized third test trying to break into the market called the Classic Learning Test (CLT).

Students will first encounter the practice assessment for the ACT in October of their sophomore year. As sophomores, the PACT test is strictly for practice purposes and the scores will have no bearing on college entrance. One caveat: if a student wants to take college career promise course (CCP) through Stanly Community College PSAT or PreACT scores may be considered for qualification. PreACT is partnered with Kaplan and provides some free test preparation opportunities. This exam is scheduled and administered by Gray Stone. Students do not have to register independently.

Junior year, students will take the PSAT for SAT practice. The PSAT, like the PreACT is a data point that can help us determine how to best build an academic and collegiate plan. It can give us insight into what type of test prep will best work for you and it is a qualifying test for CCP courses. College Board is partnered with Khan Academy to provide free SAT prep based on an individual student’s PSAT scores. The PSAT taken in the junior year is the National Merit Scholarship Programs Qualifying Test (NMSQT). Students who score in the top 1% nationally may receive some recognition and potential scholarship from select colleges who participate in National Merit incentive programs.

Students do not have to register for or pay for either practice test opportunity. Our Test Administrator, Kristen Gray, handles that at a school level.

The ACT and SAT are offered once a month for most of the year. Test date calendars can be found by visiting the respective websites listed above. Students must register approximately a month in advance of each test date. Students must register independently for the SAT. Gray Stone Day School is not a testing center. Students are welcome to choose the testing center closest to home. Most public schools serve as test centers.

Students should take their first SAT in their junior year. I advise juniors to sit for the December or March test. Juniors at that phase of the year should have covered the majority of the curriculum tested on the SAT. Students can take the SAT and ACT as often as they like. However, studies show that scores tend not to move much beyond a third sitting. All testing needs to be wrapped up with the November test date in the student’s senior year in order to have results submitted to colleges in time for admission decisions.

ACT Inc. has a deal with the state of North Carolina (and several other states) where tax dollars cover the cost of one ACT test for all juniors. We administer the ACT each year at no cost to the students. All juniors must participate in this sitting of the ACT. Beyond the school administered ACT, students are welcome to register for subsequent sittings directly through the testing agency as they see fit or are counseled to do so.

Both ACT and SAT offer the opportunity to send your scores to up to 4 colleges for free at time of registration. In the world of test optional (but not test blind) admission, I no longer recommend doing so. If you send scores and the college is not test blind, you may be providing information that doesn’t help you in the big picture. Test optional has made the landscape a bit more confusing. Always seek your college counselor’s advice about whether or not to send scores.

Many colleges "Super Score" which means they will take your highest EBRW score and your highest Math score regardless of SAT date and add them to give you the highest over all composite score. Many colleges also super score the ACT.

TEST FEE WAIVERS: Do not let $ stand in the way of taking an SAT or ACT. Visit: to learn if you are eligible for a fee waiver. It has to do with household size and gross family income. The link to the federal guidelines pdf is above. Just let me know you qualify and I will give your student a fee waiver code to enter when they register for tests not administered by Gray Stone. The same fee waiver guidelines apply for SAT and ACT.

AP: Kristen Gray is our AP Coordinator. She handles all the registration and testing activities. The state of NC has a deal where they are currently paying for public school students to take all AP exams. Take it! It is free. The exam is the whole point of the course (well sorta—learning takes place too). If you want college credit you must take the exam. Your score on the exam will determine what credit you get in college. AP scores are self-reported in the college application process. You need only pay to send them to the one college where you choose to enroll. In general, scores of 3, 4 or 5 will grant college credit.

Regarding all score reporting to colleges; it is the student's responsibility to have official score reports sent directly from the testing agency to colleges. It can take 4-6 weeks for scores to be received. It then can take a couple of weeks for colleges to process scores on their end. Send early to institutions that require official score reports. Do not wait!

A new trend that I am seeing is colleges allowing students to self-report SAT or ACT scores for admissions purposes. They only require you to pay to send official scores once you decide to enroll. This is an attempt to eliminate a hurdle for student applying to college. Check individual college websites to learn what their policy is currently.

Kristen Gray is our Test Administrator and will share pertinent information regarding testing in advance of each test date. If you have questions regarding school administered test day procedures Kristen is the appropriate resource. If you have questions regarding individualized testing plans or score interpretation contact the College Counselor, Sarah Ince. If you have questions regarding accommodations for the exams based on IEP or 504 contact the Director of Student Services Chris Deal.

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