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Health Services

Since 2017, Gray Stone Day School has employed a full time Nationally Certified School Nurse. School nurses are responsible for planning, implementing, coordinating and evaluating school health services. School nurses help to maximize students’ in-class time by reducing the incidence of health related absenteeism; minimize students’ health problems; promote students’ highest degree of independent functioning; and promote student and staff awareness of healthy behaviors. Our school nurse follows federal, state and local health practice statutes, policies and procedures.

Health Plans:
The school nurse will develop an Individualize Health Plan for any student with health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, seizures, severe allergies, etc. Please share any health conditions or concerns with the school nurse.

Medication Guidelines:
Students must have a Physician’s Authorization Form completed by their physician and signed by their parent/guardian to have ANY medication at school. This includes over-the-counter medications as well as prescriptions medications. Epi-Pens, Asthma Inhalers and Diabetic supplies are the ONLY medications students may self-carry. All other medications are stored in the nurse’s office for administration. All medication should be delivered by the parent/guardian and come in the original prescription bottle so that clear directions are visible on the lable. Over-the-coutner medications should come in a new, unopened bottle.

Sick Student Guidelines:

  • Students shall not attend with a temperature of 100 or above and shall not return until fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
  • Students with diarrhea, nausea or vomiting shall not attend and be symptom free for 24 hours from the last episode before returning.
  • Other symptoms to keep students at home include: unidentifiable body rashes; eye redness and drainage; sore throat with fever and swollen glands; persistent deep cough.

Immunization Guidelines:
Students must have proof of NC required immunizations within the first 30 calendar days of school. Without this documentation or an immunization exemption letter, students will be suspended and not allowed to attend school on the 31st calendar day. Students may return once appropriate documentation is provided.

Immunization Records Request:
To request immunization records, click here.

Garrett’s Law (N.C. Senate Bill 444)
Garrett’s Law was enacted in 2004 and expanded in 2007 mandates that schools provide parents/legal guardians with information about meningococcal meningitis, flu, human papillomavirus (HPV), and vaccines that protect against these diseases.

For additional information on the services school nurses provide in NC please see the below links.

School Nurse

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