August 29, 2022
Gray Stone partners with Mission 34 to address mental health needs
By Staff Reports
Gray Stone Day School

Fonda Bryant at QRP staff development training
On Friday, August 26, Gray Stone staff and faculty attended a staff development training on meeting the mental health needs of its students and community.
Charlotte resident Fonda Bryant, a mental health and suicide prevention advocate dedicated to helping save lives, shared her own personal struggle with depression and provided QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) training and tips on recognizing suicidal warning signs, clues and communication skills to act vigorously to prevent a possible tragedy.
Bryant, the 2021 Remarkable Woman of Charlotte and state board member of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) has partnered with Mission 34, a non-profit organization whose goal is to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness through awareness and education.
“I am glad we are able to bring this opportunity to our faculty and staff to help all of us be aware of our students’ mental health.
Middle and high school students face many challenges in and out of school. It is comforting to provide our school community with the tools needed to be aware of when a student can use some additional support to face those challenges,” said Helen Nance.
Gray Stone Day School plans to provide other collaborations through Mission 34 throughout the year to students and parents.