February 14, 2023
AP Environmental Science Studies at Aquaponics Greenhouse
By Staff Reports
Gray Stone Day School

Pictured are students in Ms. Heather Ferguson’s AP Environmental Science class at Juneberry Ridge. Photos courtesy of Heather Ferguson.
Studies show that one of the best places to learn is an outdoor classroom.
Students in Ms. Heather Ferguson’s AP Environmental Science class recently took part in a living classroom working with soil science and aquaponics at Juneberry Ridge, a working farm located in Norwood, NC.
Students observed soil horizons (layers), made soil ribbons to determine soil type, and learned about regenerative farming, a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity.
The Aquaponics Greenhouse allowed students to test the water in the aquaponics tanks for pH, microorganisms and completed various calculations.
“These students were given a hands-on approach to this assignment through investigation, problem-solving and observations.
The outdoor environment served as a fun and engaging learning experiment in a real-world setting.
We are so appreciative to Juneberry Ridge for allowing our students to visit one of Stanly County’s greatest assets” added, Ms. Heather Ferguson.