June 20, 2024
Gray Stone Student Achieves Top ACT Score
By Staff Reports
Gray Stone Day School

Pictured: Maxwell Foote
Maxwell Foote, a rising senior at Gray Stone Day School, has earned the highest possible ACT composite score of 36.
About one-quarter of 1% of students who take the ACT earn a top score.
In the U.S. high school graduating class of 2023, only 2,542 out of 1.39 million students who took the ACT earned a top composite score of 36.
The ACT consists of tests in English, mathematics, reading and science, each scored on a scale of 1-36.
A student’s composition score is the average of the four test scores.
The score of ACT’s optional writing test is reported separately and is not included within the ACT composite score.
“Earning a perfect score on the ACT is an exceptional achievement.
This academic accomplishment signifies Max’s readiness for the academic rigors that lie ahead and is a reflection of our commitment to provide a rigorous college preparatory curriculum.
We are thrilled to celebrate with Max on his academic successes”, said Jeff Walter, high school principal.
The ACT is a curriculum-based achievement exam that measures what students have learned in school.
Students who earn a 36 composite score have likely mastered all the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in the first-year courses in the core subject areas.
ACT test scores are one of multiple criteria that colleges and universities consider when making admissions decisions.
Max is a resident of Salisbury and the son of Chris and Amy Foote.
Gray Stone Day School is a public charter school and free to attend.