August 29, 2024
Partnership with Launch for Students holds first session of year-long programs
By Staff Reports
Gray Stone Day School

Gray Stone students at their kick-off meeting.
Gray Stone Day School kicked off their year-long collaborative partnership with Launch for Students on August 29th.
This series of programs and events works specifically with juniors and seniors around holistic wellness, focusing on mental health and relational fitness to help equip them with the resources to transition to life after high school and beyond.
Launch was founded in 2021 by Whitney and Kevin D’allaird in memory of their teenage son, Tyler who died by suicide.
Studies show that junior year, senior year, and the transition after high school are among the most stressful seasons in the life of a student.
“Providing these opportunities to our students to be better prepared for what lies ahead is a priority for Gray Stone Day School.
Our students benefit greatly from these interactive engagement sessions that we as a charter school are able to provide.
We are thrilled to partner with Launch for Students once again,” said Helen Nance, chief administrative officer.
Sessions planned for this year include Core Values, identifying the things that matter and shape our decision making; Healthy relationships and conflict resolution in friendships and dating; Mental health crisis training- giving students the tools to recognize the signs and know what to do; Distress Tolerance- learning to use pre-coping, breathing and movement strategies to deal with stress and negative emotions, as well as Predisposition- how to best manage ourselves, strengths and potential weaknesses.
Gray Stone Day School is a regional college preparatory school for grades 6-12 and is free to attend.